9AM-3PM | CERA/NRW Training Workshop
Please join us for the Community Emergency Radio Association's free training workshop at the Fireman's Hall, 501 Pleasant Valley Rd, Diamond Springs, CA.
This workshop is geared towards CERA's Neighborhood Radio Watch (NRW) members though the El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club will also be in attendance. Any members of the public who are not familiar with CERA's Neighborhood Radio Watch program are also invited to attend.
Please sign up to register for this event.
Doors open at 9am (and throughout this event) for those who are interested in:
- Buying a handheld or mobile/base GMRS radio
- Bringing in their GMRS radio so it can be programmed with CERA's NRW channels
- Bringing in their portable scanner to have it programmed with the latest frequencies for El Dorado County
Presentations begin at 10am. Feel free to attend the full day or specific sessions.
- 10-10:45am : Scanners 101 - Learn how to use scanners to monitor local police, fire, and emergency communications.
- 11:00-11:45am : Basic Radio Usage - Learn how to use 2-way radios for backup communications during disaster events like wildfires.
- 11:45am-12:15pm : Lunch - Burgers and hot dogs will be available for workshop attendees.
- 12:15-1pm : Wildfire Behavior - Understand fire behavior and the incident command system used by public agencies during emergencies.
- 1:15-2pm : Advanced Net Operations - Learn how to conduct "Radio Safety Nets" before and during emergencies.
- 2:15-3pm : Introduction to HAM Radio - A brief overview of Amatuer Radio, privileges, community service, and getting licensed.
Parking is limited at Fireman's Hall. Please DO NOT block fire vehicles. Consult the parking lot map below before arriving. Participants can park across the street about a block away in the big lot where Sunday Swap Meets are held.