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11AM-4PM | Cosumnes/Oak Hill NRW Meet and Greet

The Cosumnes/Oak Hill Neighborhood Radio Watch group will be gathering for an in-person meet and greet in Pioneer Park at 6740 Fairplay Rd in Somerset, California. Many residents in both communities hear each other during the radio safety net every Tuesday at 6:30PM but have never had the opportunity to meet face-to-face and get to know each other in person. 

Both Cosumnes and Oak Hill enjoy the quiet solitude and friendly community spirit of being nestled into rural El Dorado County neighborhoods. The beauty of being surrounded by abundant trees and hills can also pose communication challenges, especially when cell and internet services are disrupted during natural disasters.

This meet and greet offers a great opportunity for Cosumnes and Oak Hill area residents to share stories and tips on community preparedness and safety and using radios as their backup solution for communications, building a more resilient network that they can lean on for support for when the next emergency strikes.

This event is open to the public if you would like to stop by and learn more about the CERA's Neighborhood Radio Watch program directly from community members actively involved in the program.

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